Philips Barbeque Co.

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Parmesan Blue-cheese Herb Crusted Lamb Chops

Yes, you can make this dish in the oven or on the stove, but let’s be honest its not nearly as fun and something about that smoke flavor just brings it over the top. Just my opinion but let’s get to the recipe. Can watch the live cook here

Herb Crust

Blue-cheese crumble

Grated Parmesan

Fresh Basil Leaves


Course Salt

Fresh Cracked Black Pepper

Lemon Butter Sauce


Lemon Juice and Zest




Chicken Stock

Lamb Seasoning

The following seasonings are from Spiceology

SPG Blend

Greek Freak Blend

Course Black Pepper

The Cook

Disclaimer [I will be explaining how i cooked it using my firebox, most if not all can be translated to a stove cook, watch the live cook to fill in the gaps if needed Live Cook ]

Get your cast ion skillet nice and hot, to searing temperature about 400 a nice middle ground.

While your cast iron comes up to temp, season lamb with a light coating of the Spiceology SPG Blend. Make certain to get both the front and back along with the sides. Next add a generous coating of the Spiceology Greek Freak rub, or use one of your own herb focused rubs. [something along the lines of the ingredients used here.

Add to the hot skillet 1/2 stick of salted butter. As the butter melts drizzle roughly 2 tbsp into pan and stir [wooden spoon]

Once butter is reduced place lamb into skillet fat side down, we are wanting to get a nice hard sear, you will know that is done when the lamb lifts from the pan easily, no longer stuck. Repeat this step for the sides and the back,

Once all sides are seared place skillet back into firebox, adjacent to your heat source [place in over at roughly 300 degrees, this is where the we start to cook for an internal doneness 115]

While the lamb is cooking get your pot of water [4 quarts] up to a boil. Add a pinch of salt and oil to the pot then cook your pasta to al dente. [ for additional taste of brightness, save the juiced lemons and drop them in the pot, the heat helps release additional oils found in the rind of the lemon] I do this anytime I am making pasta with a citrus element.

Lets start on the herbal crust, in a blender, coffee grinder, or food processor add 1/2 cup of Blue Cheese, 1 cup grated Parmesan, 4-5 Large Basil Leaves, 1 Stalk of Rosemary set the stem aside, 1 tbsp of course salt, and 2 tbsp of fresh cracked black pepper. Blitz the mixture until nice and fine.

Now that the herb blend is done let’s grab the lamb, spoon the drippings collected in the pan over the lamb, we will use this as our binder. [You can also use a thick mustard as well]

Once the lamb is covered with the binder, add a generous coating of the herb blend. Make sure to cover all sides, shake off any excess and repeat the steps. Then place back in the skillet until internal temp hits 115, or notified by your probe.

Now let’s get to the sauce. In a pan place 1 stick of butter, pour in 1 cup chicken stock, add the juice and zest from 1 whole lemon, salt to taste and toss in the rosemary stalk from earlier. slowly render this down and will see the sauce slightly thicken. As it thickens add in your

Time to plate and serve, i personally like to take the paste and toss it into the sauce pan itself. Making sure all pieces of pasta are nicely coated.

Would love to know your thoughts on the dish if you make it. Shoot me a message on Instagram and tag me in the post. Don’t forget you can rewatch the live cook here